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Lecture Notes

You can download course lectures which are available in PDF Format.

Related Materials*
# of Sessions
A Historical Perspective,
Issues in Digital Integrated Circuit Design and Quality Metrics of a Digital Design
Chapter 1
3 sessions
Manufacturing CMOS Integrated Circuits, Design Rules and
Packaging Integrated Circuits
Chapter 2
2 sessions
The Diode and
The MOS(FET) Transistor
Chapter 3
5 sessions
An Intuitive Perspective,
The Static and dynamic Behavior and
Power, Energy and Energy-Delay Problems
Chapter 5
4 sessions
Static CMOS Design and
Dynamic CMOS Design
Chapter 6
6 sessions
Interconnect Parameters and
Electrical Wire Models
Chapter 4
2 sessions
Static Latches and Registers
Chapter 8
3 sessions
Dynamic Latches and Registers,
Alternative Register Styles,
Pipelining and
Non-Bistable Sequential Circuits
Chapter 9
5 sessions
30 sessions


* according to "J. M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, B. Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits a design perspective, New Jersy, Prentice Hall, 2003, 2nd Edition"



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