R.H.A. Robotics Team

The Robotics Team of Amir Kabir University of Technology


Our Supervisor

Team Members

Team History and Honors


 Hero Kambiz

  Kambiz Javid

  Little Kambiz

  Kambiz Artist

  Kambiz Dana

  Kambiz Pour

  Ancestor Kambiz

  Tiny Kambiz

  Kambiz Kamangir






Team Honors

·         Wining the first prize of the part one of The 3rd Iranian Robot Contest, University of Tehran, 2002.

Hero Kambiz


·        Wining the first prize of the part two of The 3rd Iranian Robot Contest, University of Tehran, 2002.


·        Wining the second prize of part 2 of The 2nd Iranian Robot Contest, University of Tehran, 2001.



·        Wining the sixth prize of part one of The 2nd Iranian Robot Contest, University of Tehran, 2001.


•    Wining the first prize of “Line Tracking” part, Intelligent  Mice Robotic Contest, IEEE Student Branch, University of Tabriz , 2001.


little Kambiz


•  Wining the first prize of “Golf” part, Intelligent Mice Contest, IEEE Student Branch, University of Tabriz , 2001.


Team History

 All great works start with a small spark. In fall 1999 the RHA robotics team started its activity by designing a small line tracking robot. In its first attempt, RHA team enrolled the IEEE intelligent mice robotic contest in the Tabriz University, held in the summer of 2000. The team was placed 6th among some 50 other teams. The team continued its efforts with participating in the same contest the next year. This time we won two first ranks in two different categories. After these achievements, our self confidence increased and we attempted to attend a more professional contest which was being held in Tehran university for a year at that time.

Attending a professional contest needs patient, calmness and enough experience, which we didn’t have enough at the time. Thus we ranked only the second in that competition, which was the second year’s contest. Although the team had high technical abilities and the robots were much more advanced than other teams’ robots, the team couldn’t achieve the first place due to limited experiences in critical situations. Not being able to win this contest, the next year’s first rank was very tempting. So in the next year’s competition (summer 2002) our aim was to achieve 100% technical perfection, while gathering enough management expertise.

This time, after three years of working in the robotics field, we had learned how to manage a big scale project, although in a hard way! Thus, this time we made it, and the team won both first prizes in both subcategories of the contest. Although this was the last robot competition we participated in, it wasn’t the last technical project of the RHA team.

 RHA team members have done lots of other technical projects some listed below:
· Building some web sites for some companies
· Designing of some commercial software
· Production of a wireless pager system
· Production of a digital weighting device (Farshad Tajalli)
· Production of a queuing system used in large public places as in banks and airports (Reza Farivar)
· Design and implementation of a commercial micro-controller programmer (Reza Farivar)
· Business and Marketing management plans (Kaveh Abhari)
· Design and implementation of a level crossing system for Iranian railroad (Alireza Nakhai)
Apart from technical projects, we team members are also very close friends, and participate in many social activities together.