
More than 633,000 readers of

We have reached more than 633,000 different readers during the past 43 months. Currently the number of readers is 35,000 per week, out of which 25,000 have been accessing the site before.

Global Audience from 120 Countries
Continent DiagramWe have more than 130 different country codes for our visitors (including .com, .org etc.) 61 per cent of the web traffic goes to Europe.

More than 800,000 pages per Month
This web server sends more than 400,000 pages around the globe every month. Another 400,000 pages are contained in the 1,600 downloads of the complete web site every month. Some web sites give their figures in terms of hits, i.e. the number of files sent across the Internet. This site has 3 million hits per month at the moment.



More than 2 million pages served directly in 12 months



Web Site on more than 10,000 Computers
More than 10,000 users have downloaded the entire web site to their own computer, using the automatic download facility on the site. These core users come back for updates: More than 1,600 downloads were performed during the month of March 2001. (The effective number is somewhat smaller, since about 10 per cent of the attempts fail due to communications problems, and have to be repeated).
The downloads are distributed with 61% in English, 19% in Spanish,12% in German, and 8% in Danish.
The site is being copied for use as study material at colleges and universities around the world, so the number of users is actually larger than the statistics indicate.

Use of links
Presently our links send more than 3,000 readers a month on a visit to the four Danish wind turbine manufacturers' web sites.

More than 6,000 Copies of Publications per Year
Our Web server dispatches more than 6,000 electronic copies of our publications per year in Adobe Acrobat document format to readers around the globe. This is an extremely economic way of distributing documents: The postage and printing costs alone would have been around 15,000 USD.

Who are the Core Readers?
Readers on our mailing list range from school kids doing science projects to university professors teaching mechanical or environmental engineering, and energy economics. Many wind turbine salesmen from manufacturing companies located in in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the USA have downloaded the web site.
Likewise, among our core readers we find power company engineers, wind park developers, farmers, and other people considering wind turbine projects. Finally, many people with a general interest in the environment and energy have taken the opportunity to download the web site.
In areas where English is not the first language, the users tend to be professional people (engineers, government employees, power company employees, university researchers).

How do our Readers find us?
67 per cent of the people who sign up to our mailing list tell us that they have found the web site through search engines. Publications, colleagues, and links on other web sites play an increasing role.

Which Browser?
Two thirds of the readers who download our web site have an Internet Explorer browser. People with a professional interest in wind energy tend to use Netscape to a larger extent.

Which Computers?
93 per cent of the people on our mailing list have a Windows PC. 4 per cent are lucky enough to have a Macintosh.

WINDPOWER Round the Clock readers work around the clock. The graph below shows how the average number of visitors vary with the time of day. (Copenhagen time = GMT+1)
Hour No. of pages requested

WINDPOWER Round the Week
Week diagramThe web site is mostly used during the working week. Tuesday has the largest share of the pages distributed, although other weekdays are close. Saturday and Sunday clearly have a lower number of visitors, about half of a weekday.

Total Traffic
Traffic on the web server is currently 625 megabytes per day on average. If you are interested in more details on how this web site was designed, take a look at the copyright page, which gives you details of the software we use.




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© Copyright 2001 Danish Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association
Updated 12 April 2001